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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Busy First Week Back in Herons!

Herons have settled beautifully into their second half term of Year 1 and have been busy with their new topics and new learning!


In English, they have taken part in lots of writing opportunities that allow them to develop a good understanding of their new story ‘Seasons Come, Seasons Go Tree’ which links to their learning in other curriculum areas. In their phonics, they are starting to ‘Grow the Code’ as they learn alternative graphemes for the sounds they have already learnt.

In Maths, the children are using their understanding of place value from last term to now apply it to adding and subtracting. This week the children have enjoyed using the part-whole method to the find the total values of two parts put together.

Herons have enjoyed their afternoons this week! They have started to learn how to dribble a football in PE, got messy in Art with hand-printing, explored the weather in Geography and learnt why leaves change colour in Autumn, as part of an investigation in Science.